How do we finance this change?
We need to mobilise trillions of pounds of private and public sector finance, to power us towards net zero, and to manage the increasing impacts of climate change on our communities.
This means we need to ensure every financial decision takes climate into account.
At Manchester, our experts are devising ways to transform how we think and drive the financial innovation needed to achieve our climate goals. This includes:
- considering the stimulus packages required to rebuild economies from the pandemic;
- building systems to assess the risks and opportunities of a net zero economy;
- ensuring our financial systems can cope with the impacts of climate change;
- driving investors to commit to supporting the change needed;
- supporting developing countries.
Our distinctive approach informs both the private and public sectors, empowering decisions that are both environmentally and economically sustainable.
Current projects
Explore some of the pioneering projects our researchers are working on:
- Environmental impact of lockdowns – research sharing recommendations on how pollution can be curbed in a less economically costly way.
- The future of community energy in the UK.
- Scenario analysis – exploring how leading companies are using scenario analysis to disclose climate-related risks.
- IGNITION – innovative ways of financing natural solutions to deliver resilience to increasingly extreme climate hazards.
- Embedding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into strategic business decisions.
- How European energy firms can transform their business by embracing the disruptive innovations that have led to their financial troubles.
- Helping Electricity North West (ENWL) to move to renewable fuels while keeping costs down for families.
Our expertise
We're at the forefront of the search for solutions to the climate crisis, seeking to be a global force for positive change.
Our Sustainable Futures platform draws together the unique breadth and depth of our interdisciplinary research, and our special focus on advanced materials, biotechnology, cancer, energy and global inequalities allows us to tackle some of the biggest challenges with a discipline-focused lens.
Find out about the programmes and people behind our research.
The scale of our interdisciplinary research activity sets us apart. Discover our world-leading research institutes and centres working on ways to finance the urgent change needed:
We're at the forefront of the search for solutions. Use our researcher tool to learn more about the people pushing our research forward:
Useful reads
We bring thought leadership and influence to the policy debate.
Countdown to COP26
Our insight and expertise on climate policy, with recommendations to policymakers.
Green recovery packages
Analysis of the green recovery spending plans in France, Germany, and the lessons the UK could apply.
Climate questions
We're sharing our insight and innovation so we can work together to ensure a sustainable planet for all.
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Join the discussion
We've made our resources and academic contacts from our festival available so we can keep the climate change discussion going.
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We’re working on technologies to enable sustainable reductions in carbon emissions.
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We're pioneering solutions to help protect the communities and natural habitats most vulnerable to climate change.
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We're sharing our insight and experience to empower action and work collaboratively to deliver progress, faster.
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Sustainable Futures Platform
Find out more about our Sustainable Futures platform which draws together our expertise to deliver solutions on a local, national and global scale.
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